Clifford Algebra Conference 2005 (1 of 43)

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The 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on CLIFFORD ALGEBRAS and their APPLICATIONS is being held in TOULOUSE, May 19-29, 2005, sponsored, in part, by the Université Paul Sabatier. Our own Quantum Future Group is a sponsor and Ark is on the organizing committee. During the course of planning the extracurricular activities for the conference, it was decided that a group of international scientists deserved to be enrobed as Knights of the Divine Bottle of Gaillac Wine, a mysterious and ancient Secret Society. Ark was one of those chosen for this signal honor, and on the day selected for the ceremonies, we traveled to Gaillac to rendezvous with the rest of the scientists attending the conference. It was damp and threatening to rain when we arrived in Gaillac, our rendezvous in front of the Abbaye St. Michel. Laura is at center in the pink blouse, Signs Team member, Henry See is in front of her in the gray shirt and dark jacket.
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